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NOTE: Backdrops that are out of stock and be made in the "same" way. Contact me directly for inquiries.

These handmade backdrops are one-of-a-kind pieces crafted on heavy duty canvas using a variety of materials, including acrylic, oil, clay, sand, bitumen, acid, and earth pigments.  Always open to experimentation and am willing to use any material that I can get my hands on or that I am particularly interested in at the moment. Each backdrop is unique and made with the utmost care and attention to detail. Whether you are a professional photographer or simply looking for a beautiful piece of art for your home or studio, these backdrops are sure to impress.


Ryan Farag


Thought process

I wanted to delve into the inner workings of paints, stains, and coatings. By breaking down these materials into their basic components, I gained a deeper understanding of how they are created and how they function. These components include pigment, which gives the material its color and texture, a binder that acts as a vehicle to hold the pigment to the substrate, and modifiers that alter the properties of the material. With this knowledge, I was able to experiment with these units and reconstruct my own custom recipes. 


The look on the photographer's face when they see it for the first time.

As a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience in the coatings industry, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects, from architectural restoration of cathedrals and capitol buildings to residential repaints. My journey in the industry began as a painter for an architecture firm in New York, where I learned techniques from masters from around the world. In 2018, I had the opportunity to work on an old train station in the Czech Republic, and it was during this project that I started to apply my skills and knowledge to creating unique backdrops. These backdrops are the result of a childhood friendship with a talented photographer in Chicago, who asked me to paint a backdrop for him. Since then, I have been dedicated to creating high-quality backdrops for photographers and other creative professionals.

What Photographers are saying

“I love my background.  It really enhances my subjects.”

Laurent Velazquez


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